Futhark.org, Our Online Store
Founded in 2013, Futhark.org is the official webstore of The Irminfolk. There you will find Runes, Thor’s Hammers, Ritual items, Books, Apparel, and other Heathen ephemera for sale.
The Irminfolk
The community round table for all classes of the Irminfolk’s constituents. You must be enrolled in the Irminfolk to have access.
Folkish Summer Hallowing
The Irminfolk’s annual Summertime retreat. Four days of workshops, rituals, competitions, classes, games and fun for the whole family.
The Upward Path Channel Trailer
Here is a link to the old channel trailer for the Irminfolk's youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU9XE78AcQA
Challenging Misrepresentations: Irminfolk’s Response to the ADL’s Defamatory Claims
Recently, in October of 2024, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) published an article about the Irminfolk that we believe misrepresents our organization’s mission, values, and history— going as far as to label us with terms
Ostara The Spring Equinox
Ostara Spring Equinox A post by Sonnewende via VK, March 18, 2021. Translated from Russian by the Irminfolk Ostara (OE Ēastre, OHG Ôstara) - according to mythologists, an ancient Germanic deity associated with the
Thor – Champion of the Aesir
It is during the most violent storms that Asatruar are reminded of the Gods. In the pouring rain the faithful watch the dark sky pierced by the most powerful, singular bolts of lightning and dare
Freyja – The lady of Fólkvangr
The blossoming Germanic woman is a duality of energy. In joyful times she is beautiful and radiant, a blend of kindness, innocence, and a warm spirit that others simply marvel at. At other times, however,
Heimdall – Guardian of Asgard
There are those who appreciate order, to the degree in which it allows them to go about their lives without constant unpleasant surprises. Then there are those who believe in order, who devote themselves to