Folkish Summer hallowing 2015 was hugely successful!
“To a sure friend there is a short cut, even though he lives a long way off”
The Irminfolk; More Substance than Semblance.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.
Eyvind Kinrifa, the Death of a Pagan Martyr
The fall of the old religion did not happen all at once, and I cannot lay the blame solely on Christian intolerance. From the beginning the monotheists made it clear that they had no room for the other gods.
Bitter Lessons, Loki in Life and Lore
“The Punishment of Loki” by Louis Huard (1813-1874) By: Luther Kovac: Recently I have experienced a disturbing series of events, all occurring within a very short time of
The Futhmark Community Currency Program
One Futhmark is valued as either one fiftieth (1/50) of a Troy ounce of .999 Fine Silver for Silver Coins, one half (1/2) avoirdupois ounce .999 Copper, for Copper Coins, or one two-thousandth (1/2000) of a Troy ounce of .9999 Gold. All Futhmarks must bear the Trademark of the Irminfolk Odinist Community.
The Nature of Wyrd and Harnessing Possibility
By: Luther Kovac “The Norns bestow good fortunes and other noble gifts, but frequently also calamities. Their decrees are invariably irrevocable: ‘No one can withstand the word of Urdhr, even though it be spoken to